(Updated 22/3/2020, 6.00PM AEST)
CLUB80 management has made the decision that we will not be trading per our normal schedule as a result of the current situation evolving around COVID-19.
Although the crowd size of CLUB80's regular days is below the governmental advised threshold of 500, we are taking this step as a public health precaution in support of measures to reduce the transmission of SARS-CoV-2, for our valuable staff, patrons, and particularly those in our community who are most vulnerable.
Because of the rapidly changing nature of the situation, we will evaluate this decision regularly, and we will give notice of a reopening date when possible.
**CDC current published guideline (AEST, 11am 16/03/2020) is that we should limit any gathering of more than 50 people**
Current schedule:
Monday, 16/3/20 to Thursday, 26/3/20 - closed
Beyond 26/3/20 - will be based on Victorian / Federal Government announcement(s)
Until then, please check www.club80.net and our Facebook page for updates.
Please write to us at info@club80.net if you have any questions or concerns.
We thank you for your understanding, your patience, and your support.
Be safe, and well wishes from our entire team. 🙏🙏